Simple Style
Box Theme
Wideness Theme
Layered Style
Site Title - Appears at the top of the page

Meta Keywords - Keywords that relate to your offer
Meta Description - Blurb about your site/offer

Theme Color - choose site color
Sub-Headline- Above the fold

Main Headline - Above the fold
Optin Headline - Above optin box

How to setup video code

Your embed code must have the full embed code tag. If you copy and paste the code from youtube, make sure you have the entire bit of code into the form.

Width: 585 px

Height: 300 px

Video Embed Code

How to setup form code

Your auto-responder service will give you some html code for your optin area. Login to your AR account, and copy and paste that code into the form on the right.

This will show up in the template in a high converting area!

Optin Form Code